The past couple of months I had tests to see why, to put it nicely, I've had a upset stomach. They all came back, "nothing wrong", well I can tell you there was. so that was it really sort of left on my own to sort it out, so I tried to find out if it was certain foods, I cut out all dairy, bread, pasta even stopped eating chicken as I thought that was where I may of caught a bug from, so whats left, veg and fruit right.... so that led me onto the raw diet, it's good but very hard, and not the answer as all that veg didn't help but if I was to believe what the raw foodists say this is a result of years of a bad diet being flushed out of my system.
I never really ate a bad diet, i.e processed foods. I'm a Diabetic all I really ate that would be considered bad by the raw group would be pasta, chicken, wholemeal bread, rice. I can understand the chicken aspect both morally and nutrition wise, and haven't eating chicken since, apart from the other day. Maybe I'll talk more on the raw diet another time, because at this moment I can't keep to it, I'm eating eggs and rice and have started to eat some cheese again, incidentally my cholesterol level is 3.1 and has always been this low.
One of the reasons I have started incorporating some cheese is my stomach issues, touch wood is settling down. This may be a coincidence but five days ago I started taking some enzymes, something called Regulat, which is fermented fresh fruits, veg and nuts. I did a lot of reading into enzymes and on the way also noticed that water or lack of it can also cause Diarrhea, bit of a mine field really, it all boils down to trial and error and finding out what works for you but certain things rang a bell with me especially being a diabetic.
Below is just one of the clips I found on you tube.
I hope this works as up till now I'm not absorbing the nutrients from the food I eat, so not getting the calories I need. I'll gradually bring back in some of my normal foods with the addition of what I've learnt in respect of the Raw nutrition and more water.
If I get cravings for certain foods then I'll probably have it, to me that's my body telling me it is lacking in something it needs, now I'm not talking about cream cakes, chocolate etc, for example yesterday I had fish and chips, the other day chicken, I know I need more protein at the moment, I try and eat Organic where possible simply because I don't want all the Anti depressants and Antibiotics etc that's pushed into the food chain.
Some of you may think that it's a bit extreme maybe your right but at the moment apart from the stomach issue I do feel better for it....
Training is going well, I have to keep doing this because it dosen't take long before things to get out of control, and start feeling weak if I don't do something, this is probably due to the result of previous surgery, but I enjoy it and always have.......
This blog is a first for me, it describes part of my life before, sometimes during and after tranplant. working towards recovery, charity kayak (uk circumnavigation & Ireland) if humanly possible, and leg, and how I deal with my diabetes during training and expedition, maybe some inspiration along the way.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."
William Blake
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