The Blood Sugars are starting to settle down today, thank god. I haven't exercised in the last couple of days, purely because I needed to see what effect twice daily would do then get a base to train on, it looks like I may up from 9 to 10 in the morning to train in the gym I probably wouldn't do that if out on the water but then it may be better to do that combined with less to no humalog and the taking on of carbs
I'll be back in the gym tomorrow. I'm making steady progress, I should probably be pleased on what I have achieved so far, as I was 10 1/2 stone when leaving hospital and 5'11, I think I'm around 178 kilos now, but I'm always think I can do or be better lol.
This blog is a first for me, it describes part of my life before, sometimes during and after tranplant. working towards recovery, charity kayak (uk circumnavigation & Ireland) if humanly possible, and leg, and how I deal with my diabetes during training and expedition, maybe some inspiration along the way.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."
William Blake
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Many children and adults need saving leave a wonderful legacy and save a life, thank you for your time.