Well, Went out for a training session Saturday, It was nice and sunny all day, if I remember rightly the temperature was a lovely 16 degrees with a slight 3mph SE wind.
I thought I'd take a nice paddle up to R
ingstead, I parked up at second wind rather than at the other end of the beach road as I knew there would be a better chance of parking. I had packed plenty of food, a huge Jacket potato measuring in at a whopping 100 grams of
carbs/salad, 50g
cho Rice pudding, cheese and crackers,Chicken some dried fruit slightly covered in water, to get the benefit of some nice juice, 2 bottles
lucozade, 1 bottle of Gatorade, 2 litres of water; well stocked for what I intended to do, or so I thought!!
I tested my blood sugar just before going down to the water, it said 10 on the
bg metre, so as I wasn't sure where I was going to stop I had 1 square of chocolate and a swig of
lucozade and off I went. I took a slow to med paddle up round to O
smington bay it was around lunch so I thought I'd park and have something to eat before going onto R
ingstead. Now I tested again before eating and it had climbed to 18.4 I wasn't happy so I gave myself 4.5 units of
Humolog which I thought would be just right, with plenty of room to spare HA!!
About an hour later just before turning into
Rinstead I thought I'd check my BS it was 7.1 as there was another hour before the insulin reaches it's peak I downed Half a jacket, half a bottle of
lucozade just to be safe and carried on paddling. Half an hour later tested again 4.2!!.
Now I'm in that position where I didn't really want to be, but I knew that it was inevitable that this would happen to me at some point, First thing I knew I had to do was get some more
carbs in so I drank more
lucozade/jacket potato and some dried fruit mix, and started analyze the position I was in, most of the shock was seeing the numbers on the metre after that although I was a bit nervous I was also pretty calm and quite focused on what I was doing, I knew I had another bottle of
lucozade and Gatorade, I had the mobile with the C
oastgaurd number which would have been the last resort I also knew that I could probably make to sure or even rocks that were high to rest on if it got to bad.
I tried to control my breathing and not panic and made a slow paddle towards the Rocks. I could have stayed where I was but this was the first time I had experienced a hypo at sea so thought it wise to move in, if it did come to a point where I would pass out, I'd be somewhere above water.
I stayed in the kayak and decided to paddle on, roughly 25 minutes later I tested again and it had climbed to 8.3 and there it stayed for the next 3/4 of an hour.
There is a school of thought that because of G
luconeogenisis If I was to do a quick spurt of a hard paddle and keep it up until I could do no more the liver would kick out glycogen and my
bloodsugar would rise, as it does when I first begin a weight training session, and where sometimes I would give myself some insulin to counter balance that effect, but to be honest I wasn't willing to give it a try at see, on my own.
When I got home, just before tea it was 18.4!!
Now I know my body uses up
carbs/glycogen differently to weight training but by how much I wasn't sure and know one can really tell exactly, it's just trial and error.
Apart from that I had a really great day