This blog is a first for me, it describes part of my life before, sometimes during and after tranplant. working towards recovery, charity kayak (uk circumnavigation & Ireland) if humanly possible, and leg, and how I deal with my diabetes during training and expedition, maybe some inspiration along the way.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."
William Blake

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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Kayak in Weymouth

What I find hard at the moment is training with the lack of gear I have which is a risk, I compare it to a diver going out on his own rather than with a buddy. On the one hand I can't do anything about the Diabetes side but the lack of VHF makes the the situation worse,as always this cost money and because of my circumstances at the moment there is nothing I can do.
I have basic gear, PFD, Cag, Paddle, and spray deck but I also have determination and hopefully a good sense of danger and when to push it and when I think the moment might not be quite right.
So I deal with one risk at a time and the one that I can do something about and that's my fitness, kayaking skills and Diabetes in preparation for the expedition.

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